Dear Reader,
When you think about America, as a European the first thing that comes to mind is FOOTBALL! And boy was there so much to learn about American Football. But what better way to learn than in high school ? I started off observing from the bleachers. Until I joined the Marching Band and put MY footsteps in the field !
With encouragement from a close friend, I joined the Marching Hi-Tides my Junior year. I attended Band Camp (no no not like American Pie Band Camp - calm down), learned a new instrument (flute) and joined this amazing second family. Through long practice hours, sweats, tears, fundraisers, car washes, pep rallies and games, the minute we put on that uniform we knew it was all worth it. And without this second family my high school experience would not be complete.
Marching Band + Football Game + Letterman Jacket + Camera = Happiest Girl |
So as a fellow band geek I had to go back and see my second family play at their most important game, HOMECOMING ! And I could not be more proud of them. So of course I could not resist than to get my camera out and show you a glimpse of what a high school football game is all about (: I hope you like this short video and I'll talk to you next time...
Bookishly Yours,
"Once a Hi-Tide, Always a Hi-Tide"
My First Field Show (Ahhh Memories...2011)
Ca je regrette vraiment de ne pas l'avoir vu :(((((